Whiskey Watermelon Basil Smash: The Summer Cocktail That Dreams Are Made Of

As we embrace the dog days of summer, there’s nothing quite like sipping on a refreshing cocktail to make those days even more extraordinary.

Picture this—you start by blending fresh, juicy watermelon to create the most refreshing watermelon water. Next, you take it up a notch by adding a splash of simple syrup infused with aromatic basil, transforming it into a deliciously flavorful lemonade once the lemon juice is added. And now, get ready for the real magic—by adding a generous pour of your favorite whiskey, you’ve just crafted the ultimate summer cocktail that dreams are made of.

Some of you may be thinking—whiskey in the summer months? Fear not, for the Whiskey Watermelon Basil Smash will pleasantly surprise you. Whether you’re unwinding on the sandy shores of a beach or enjoying a game of cornhole in your backyard, this cocktail is the ultimate summer companion.

Here’s the beauty of this cocktail—it’s not just for the whiskey enthusiasts out there.

The infusion of basil also acts as a bridge, inviting gin or vodka lovers to try something new.

The whiskey dances harmoniously with the watermelon and basil, making its presence known without overpowering the overall experience. It’s a delightful dance of flavors that will leave you craving more.

This is the ultimate summer drink to add to your arsenal.

Here’s the recipe:

2 ounces Bourbon
1/2 ounce Watermelon Basil Simple
1/2 ounce Fresh Lemon Juice


To Make Watermelon Basil Simple:

Basil Simple Syrup: In a saucepan, combine equal parts white sugar and water. Add a handful of basil leaves. Gently simmer and stir until the sugar dissolves completely. Let it steep for 20 minutes on low heat, then cool it down in an ice bath.

Watermelon Water: Blend a handful of seedless watermelon chunks until you get smooth watermelon water.

Mix equal parts watermelon water and Basil Simple Syrup to create the base of the cocktail: Watermelon Basil Simple.

Mixing the Cocktail: Combine all ingredients above in a shaker. Shake well and serve over rocks for a refreshing crushable whiskey cocktail.

You’ll find yourself savoring every sip, embracing the joys of summer, and becoming the go-to cocktail person at all of your summer BBQs for years to come.

To delve deeper into the world of our exquisite cocktails and culinary adventures, we invite you to join us on our Cocktails with Friends podcast, where we share insider tips, secret recipes, and engaging conversations with fellow enthusiasts of fine food and drink.
